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Mothers’ Union Participation  2016

As members will see from the March/April Families First Magazine  (pages 8 and 46) this is not just an issue for 16 days of winter.  If you need to be further inspired to do something about this issue Elaine Storkey has written about the issue in Scars across Humanity: Understanding and Overcoming Violence Against Women.

Please look at the resources below and prayerfully consider your on-going responses.



Resources for members and others for raising awareness and making a difference







An information pack for yourself, to let others know and which might help those in trouble and a leaflet to give away.





Mothers’ Union in Salisbury Diocese participated in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence campaign in 2015.  Established by the Women’s Global Leadership Institute (convened in 1991 by the Centre for Women’s Global Leadership) the campaign seeks to build international awareness of the global issue of gender-based violence and has been used as an organising strategy by individuals and organisations around the world to call for elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls.

The campaign’s dates are the 16 days falling between 25th November – International Day Against Violence Against Women – and 10th December – International Human Rights Day. These dates were chosen in order to link symbolically violence against women and human rights, and to emphasise that such violence is a violation of human rights.


We continue to explore ways in which we can both raise awareness of these issues and indeed enable churches and members to make a response.  Our support of Women's Refugeds across the diocese is on-going.  Alongside Safeguarding Traiing for parishes being offered across the diocesein the autumn, attendees will be given the opportunity to consider setting up 'Safe Spaces' in their communities for those affected by domestic violence.   


Mothers' Union has produces a pack for both members and church leaders to use in response to this issue.

Please take this opportunity to read more and participate in this campaign whenever you are made aware of specific issude either locally or on a worldwide scale. 


This is an issue for everyone.    







    Mothers’ Union, the Salisbury Diocese and Restored are working together to deliver training to enable us to provide     â€˜Safe Spaces’ for female victims of domestic abuse to come together for mutual help and support.  These spaces aren’t     counselling spaces rather aimed at supporting and listening, offering non-judgemental hospitality and would work     closely with established organisations who offer more formal support to survivors of abuse. 

     The ‘Safe Space’ training will enable you and your parish to find out more about how to offer and run a safe space     within the context of your church or community setting, equipping you to start the next stage of your planning should     you decide this is an initiative you’d like to follow through.  We would encourage you to come to the training in two’s     and three’s so you have someone to talk through ideas with. The training will cover the following topics:

  • What do survivors want? 

  • Key Principles & Practice when running a Safe Space

  • Getting Started: What does a Safe Space look like in my setting?




16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence.

Latest News.

A Special Award for Mothers’ Union


The Social Justice Awards  for 2016 were presented at the recent Diocesan Synod. Mothers’ Union had been chosen to receive one of three awards made that day. The Mothers’ Union was thanked for welcoming nine families of Syrian Refugees to North Wiltshire in early December 2015. (attached, photo of the award)


Upcoming Events



 Bye Buy Childhood Campaign


This project is continually reviewed. 

The Campaign has produced both an Impact Report and and Engagement Pack.   Click below






The Labelled for Life  Booklet to help families manage the commercialised world was given to every family in a school in Netheravon.  Families were invited to attend a meeting to explore issues affecting family life - bullying, peer pressure, mobile and screentime, clothes, advertising generally.  Those attending found it valuable enough to suggest every parent should have taken the opportunity to attend.

Barnabas Booklet Edition ll

To celebrate Walk a Week in 2014 members brought their event displays to Wilton for a celebration in the company of Lynne Tembey our Worldwide President.   Each display was enhanced with some directions for prayer, active and reflective.

This material wascollated  into a booklet of ideas for members to use as their meeting subjects in 2015.   You will find a copy bu clicking here - all Branch Leaders should have received a hard copy.

Another version Barnabas ll is available below.

Groups can use the ideas here and others will glimpse what it means for us to meet together


If branches are still looking for inspiration for your times together, don't forget to have a look at Inspired:



Windows is our Bi-annual member's newsletter. This autumn's edition contains articles celebrating our activities over the past year.  members will be happy to share this with you.



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